Writing Homework Help

SDSU Patrol Reduce Crime Discussion


1) Does directed patrol reduce crime? Justify your answer.

**Use the GCU Library for sources (https://library.gcu.edu/

***Worrall, J. L. (2015) Crime control in America: What works? (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 9780133495485.

The DQ response must be at least 200 words and should have at least one reference in APA format

2) Write a 100-word response to each student in first person as if you were writing it to the students. Talk about how you agree with their ideas and add your own thoughts. Make sure it’s respectful.

Directed patrol researchers often refer to saturation patrols, which occur when several police officers flood a certain area in an effort to catch criminals and deter would be offenders (Worrall, 2014). This is where officers will focus their patrols on certain problems or locations. People want to be safe. They want to see a focused alert and allow for officers to do their jobs. I want to see that my area is safe and if that means that people will be safer with police patrolling around. The way to do that is to find out where the areas of the worse crime are and focus the police presence there. Those places should be hit hard with police. They need someone watching their backs and see what they need to do and how many criminals they need to take off the streets.


Worrall, J. L. (2014). Crime control in America: What Works?, 3/e (3rd ed.). Pearson Education.