Writing Homework Help

City College of San Francisco Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay


Using the original text as your source material, develop an accurate, complete, concise and clear, and organized summary of Dr. King’s “A Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” Please pay careful attention to the paragraphs denoted in parentheses. Do NOT summarize paragraphs 26-37.

Your summary should be about 15 lines and needs to include:

  1. an opening sentence that contains
    • the title of the text and author’s name
    • the author’s purpose for writing and audience (paragraphs 1 and 2)
  2. main points about social justice including
    • use of social justice strategies (paragraph 6) and reasons for direct action (paras. 6-9)
    • unjust vs. unjust laws (paragraphs 13-18)
    • forces of change (paragraphs 22-25)
    • any other main ideas that you think are necessary or relevant
  3. the author’s final or concluding thoughts (paragraphs 38, 39)

In drafting your summary for this task, remember that a summary is a compressed version of an original text.

The goal of the summary is to communicate the gist of an author’s original text and to organize the main ideas of the text accurately, completely, clearly and concisely, and logically.