Writing Homework Help

Technology and The Society by Raymond William Book Essay


Needs to be Native English Speaker! Read the article and answer these questions through the essay.

Use these questions as a way to format the essay. These responses should be 2-3 double-spaced pages/500-800 words long, using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins. These papers should be written in essay format (introduction, body, conclusion), with correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar. I will be grading you not only on the connections you make to the assigned reading, but on the quality of your writing.

1. Make connections: Good readers connect what they know with what they are reading.

  • Does this remind me of something?
  • What do I already know that will help me understand what I am reading?

2. Ask questions: Good readers ask themselves questions while they are reading and take the time to think of answers to these questions. Article is included.

  • What is the author saying?
  • If I could, what questions would I ask the author?

3. Monitor and Reflect: Good readers stop to think about their reading and know what to do when they don’t understand.

  • What have I learned?
  • What concepts or examples resonated with you?
  • What questions did the reading raise for you? How would you venture to answer them?

4. Summarize: Good readers identify the most important ideas and restate them in their own words.

  • What is the reading primarily about?
  • What were some of the most important points made by the author?

5. Teach: Good readers determine the take-aways and can communicate them concisely to others.

  • How would I explain what I just learned to someone else?