Writing Homework Help

UCI Film Handover Women Discussion


Learning Goal: I’m working on a film writing question and need guidance to help me learn

What is an annotation? Annotating a text is an excellent way to make the most out of the reading you do for this course. They help you familiarize yourself with both the content and organization of what you read. A well-annotated text will accomplish all the following: 1) Find a concept or a quote that interests you the most—highlighting or underlining keywords, phrases, or main ideas. 2) Paraphrase or summarize main ideas in your own words. You should be able to locate what is important in the reading and demonstrate your understanding of the ideas in your own writing. 3) Provide comments or responses to the text by noting your reactions—agreement/disagreement, questions, related personal experience, connection to ideas from other texts, class discussions, etc. A reading annotation should be at least 350-word or more.