Writing Homework Help

Purdue University Mighty Ape Business Continuity Plan and Covid 19 Essay


Business continuity plan to combat COVID19 pandemic from the network and system administration perspectives

Based on the current COVID-19 situation, assuming you are in the roles of ICT department who are looking after the network and system administration of your organization/business. Your team needs to design a business continuity plan for your company/organization to reduce as much as possible the COVID-19 negative effects on your business/organization.

Define environmental controls

Describe the components of redundancy planning

List disaster recovery procedures

Describe incident response procedures


User case: New Zealand based organization/business

Mini-research project with length of report 4000-5000 words with APA reference.
Other requirement: Formatting (1.5 spacing, 11 Times New Roman) and one extra page of outline (ie the content page, the structure/subsections of the report).

Marking Rubric (more detail in the attached file)
+ 40% for content (need to include at least Porter’s value based analysis of organization structure/chart, users, their ICT needs for normal situation vs covid-19 pandemic based new needs)
+ 50% for COVID19 based BCP
+ 10% for writing style/communication/presentation

the assignment is about an user case: New Zealand based organization/business: an e-commerce company MightyApe