Writing Homework Help

Minnesota State University Mankato Feed by MT Anderson Book Questions


i need some one to read a book called Feed by M.T. Anderson and answer 8 questions and reply back to two of my classmates answers. the questions will be from page 204- end. i can provide the 6 questions when the assigmnet has been accepted. Only requirment is the answer must be correct must have good writing skills and must have acess to the book. 

1. On page 217, Violet tells us that all her ideas about what is good in life come from the opening credits of sitcoms she has seen on the Feed. She asks Titus, “What am I, without the feed?” What do you think she means by this statement? Why does she ask this question? (at least 3 sentences please)2. What is the significance of Violet’s list? Why do you think she writes it? What is the nature of the items on the list, and why are these things important to her?

(at least 4 sentences please)

3. As Violet’s memory starts to decline, she says to Titus, “I’m afraid I’m going to lose my past. Who are we, if we don’t have a past?” (253). What do you think Anderson is trying to say to us when he has Violet ask this question? (at least 3 sentences please)

4.Explain why you think Titus acts the way he does as Violet is dying. Be specific. (at least 4 sentences please)

5. Do you recommend I use “Feed” again next semester? Why or why not? (at least 3 sentences please)

6. Please rank this book on a scale of 1 to 5.

so you can choose two questions out of three and only answer two of them

Disscussion 1. What is the significance of Violet’s list? Why do you think she writes it? What is the nature of the items on the list, and why are these things important to her?

Disscusion 2 .As Violet’s memory starts to decline, she says to Titus, “I’m afraid I’m going to lose my past. Who are we, if we don’t have a past?” (253). What do you think Anderson is trying to say to us when he has Violet ask this question?

Disscusion 3. Explain why you think Titus acts the way he does as Violet is dying. Be specific.

this is what one of my classmates said for the question Explain why you think Titus acts the way he does as Violet is dying.

He doesn’t want to be in a relationship and fall deeply in love with someone knowing that their is a chance of them dying. He tries to be there for Violet but it’s really hard on him because he doesn’t want to lose her. Losing Violet to him would be like losing his best friend and it kills him. He hates seeing how Violet is slowly dying in front of him and he can’t do anything about it except sitting and watching her.

can you reply to him please

can you also reply back to this please and thank you !Violet’s list is what a person’s “bucket list” is today, in our world. It is a list comprised of things we wish to do before we move on to the next life. Violet is making this list of things she wished to do because she feels that her life is coming to an end. Most of the things on her list are adventurous and would years to complete but Violet knows that she doesn’t have years left to live, this shows the reader her strength to dream about her future even when she sadly won’t have one long enough to fulfill these wishes.