Writing Homework Help

ENG 2003 South University Online Goethe’s Faust Motivation Literature Case Study


  • Select one of the following questions to respond to. The answer to the question you select should serve as the thesis to your paper. This thesis should be included in an introductory paragraph.
  • The paragraphs following the introduction should support and defend this thesis by analyzing and discussing specific examples and quotations from the reading you selected.
  • Review the academic articles you located in the Week 2 Library Assignment. Select at least two of these articles to incorporate into your paper as additional evidence in support of your argument.
  • Provide a concluding paragraph that summarizes the key points of your paper.


  1. Decisions and consequences in Faust: Goethe’s Faust is driven by the decision of its central character to sell his soul to the devil and the consequences that arise. What is Faust’s motivation? What drives him to make this deal? What does he hope to gain? What ultimately are the consequences of his actions?