Writing Homework Help

UMGC Mental Health to College Students in The United States Discussion


Discussion(re-do) that was submitted

  • What is your topic of interest and your research question? Please share how you created your research question.

The topic of interest is: Leveraging online platforms to extend mental health interventions to college students suffering from depression and anxiety in post-Covid-19 period in America.

Research question: In what ways can counselors in American colleges use online platforms to create a positive social cohesion with students suffering from depression and anxiety in post-Covid-19 era?

I considered two major issues when developing the research question. Fist, I ensured that the research question pinpoints exactly what I aim to find out while giving my work a clear focus and purpose. Second, I focused on establishing its complexity to allow me develop its answer over the paper’s space.

  • Where will you begin your search and why?

First, I will begin my search on Google Scholar because it consists of academic journals which are rich with information on the subject matter. The journals and articles are also easier to access. Also, I will consider looking for credible and accessible sources from UMGC library because most of the articles in Google Scholar are provided along with subscriptions and/or payments, but I can access them freely from the school library.

  • What search terms will you use? Please demonstrate them in a search statement using Boolean logic (Boolean AND, OR, and nesting). If you really want to impress me and your classmates, try an advanced searching technique (exact phrase searching or truncation or both)!! This is preparing you for the Search Strategy Assignment.
  • “depression and anxiety” in post-pandemic AND American colleges
  • Leveraging online platform AND treating depression in college students AND post covid-19
  • Mental health AND “post-Covid-19” learning
  • (technology OR online) AND building social cohesion 
  • (depression and anxiety) NOT mental health
  • What was the easiest part of this activity? Did you get stuck trying to come up with a search strategy? What was the hardest part of the activity?

The easiest part of this activity was to create the research question and explain how I created it since the topic of interest I selected was straightforward. The hardest part of the activity was the demonstration of the search terms in the search statements using Boolean logic.

Prof Comments:

You have made a very specific research question and you have way too many things going on in the research question.  Some terms are important and others are not.

I’m going to suggest: How can college counseling centers use online technologies to help students? Maybe you could limit to the United States (this is a better term than America or American).

Now identify ALL the essential key concepts from your question.

You have done a lot of different search strategies. But most of them only include only a few of the ideas from your research question, not ALL of them. For example: (technology OR online) AND building social cohesion  

There is nothing about college students and counseling. You will be lucky if a small fraction of the results are about your specific topics. You need to include ALL the key concepts from your search in ONE search strategy. Look at the examples in the Week 1 content and look at some of your classmates’ strategies.

In this assignment, you will work through the search process to create search statements that refine your search results and help you to locate articles from the Library (Steps 2 – 5). You will then use search techniques to narrow your search results (Steps 6 – 7). In Step 8, you will choose one article and provide a reference citation for it in APA 7 format. In Step 9, you will provide a brief explanation about why you chose this article.