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Read the file “Developing a Research Question for your Proposal Essay.” Come up with at least three possible research questions related to your field of study and provide a link to a source that is relevant to each question, so this means you will have links to three sources. Write at least a couple sentences explaining why you think each source is relevant to the question. You will pick one research question to use for your Proposal.

When you write your post, remember to state what your field of study or career aspiration is and why. mine is AN electrical engginer and my inspiration is my dad because hes an electrical engineer as well

When you respond to your peers, help them decide which research question is a good one to use. You should also help them try to refine at least one of their research questions. For example, is a question too broad, and can you give advice on how to make it more specific? Is a question too biased, and do you have advice to make it sound more open-ended?

If I were doing this assignment, I might post something like:

My career path is that I am an English Professor. I’ve chosen this field because I enjoy working on my reading and writing techniques, and I want to help others do the same. My research question ideas are

1) What are the pros and cons of teaching nonfiction texts instead of literature in first year English courses? Should these courses also include literature?

My source related to this question is http://www.nationalgreatbooks.com/pdf/ALSC%20report%20by%20John%20Briggs.pdf This lengthy article provides evidence of the decline of literature in first year composition and makes an argument that more literature should be taught in these courses.

2) How many college professors are full-time employees and how many are part-time? What employment structure is best for students and how can we implement it?

My source related to this question is https://www.forbes.com/sites/noodleeducation/2015/05/28/more-than-half-of-college-faculty-are-adjuncts-should-you-care/?sh=76897b8e1600. This article in Forbes is written by an adjunct professor who uses his own experience and also evidence from other sources to argue that the high percentage of contingent faculty impacts student learning.

3) What are the best ways to teach students how to revise their own writing?

This webpage from the University of Wisconsin gives professors strategies for how to teach their students to revise such as “Make clear what you mean by ‘revision.'”: https://dept.writing.wisc.edu/wac/teaching-revision/

My peer might write something like:

Amy, These are some really interesting questions! Number 3 seems like the most straightforward question. It’s very clear, and I can see how you could propose teaching techniques for teachers to use, like the article you linked to from the University of Wisconsin. I am not sure what question #2 is asking because I’m not really sure what you mean by “employment structure.” Do you mean part-time versus full-time or some other type of structure? Also, who is the “we”? Do you mean the professors, the students, or the colleges? It could still be a good topic, just be more specific. Question #1 seems pretty clear to me. It is interesting that we read Literature in high school, but that we did not read it in ENGL 1301 and 1302 here at CyFair. I wonder if that is typical of most college Composition classes or not. That could be something you could look into more.