Writing Homework Help

Top Skills Gained in Language Course Discussion


you will write 600-750 word self-reflective essay about THREE specific skills you have learned in this course. Your essay should have at least five substantial paragraphs, including an introduction, three (3) body paragraphs (a solid paragraph is at least 5 sentences), and a conclusion. By drawing evidence from your experience in the class, you will do a reflective self-assessment and write a well-developed analysis. Review the work you have done this semester in order to explain the skills you have acquired. Explore and explain how you learned these skills and how these skills will benefit you in your future courses.

Consider the following questions in your essay:

  • What did I learn? What skills have I learned (such as writing, reading, critical thinking, research, discussion, teamwork, etc.) in this class, and how will these skills play a part in my academic life?
  • How did I learn it? How did the activities—reading and critical thinking exercises, writing assignments, essays and research projects, group work, class discussions, peer reviews, and so on—contribute to the skills I have learned in this course? How can I show that I have learned these skills? What examples can illustrate that I have learned what I claim?
  • Why is it important? What role do I think these college composition skills will play in my future courses?