Writing Homework Help

Cal State LA Contemporary Society Question



This quiz is created to help you to clarify the concepts on Module IV, Ideologies of the Contemporary Society

Quiz Details

This quiz covers the following readings and films/TV episodes we have watched thus far.

You might also see a few review questions from the past readings. But they are not major.

– Althusser, “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”
– Gramsci, Prison Notebook
Marx and Engels, “German Ideology”
Loewen, Lies My Teacher Told Me
Hall, Representations

This quiz consists of three short-essay questions (10 points each), three multiple-choice questions (15 points each), and one passage identification question (5 points). It is an Open-book, open-notebook quiz. And you can talk to your classmates, too! But please don’t copy+paste answers for the essay question. Use your own words to describe.

You can:

  • Take the quiz up to two times. Canvas automatically saves the highest score.
  • View questions all at once or one at a time.
  • Freely navigate forward and back through the questions.
  • You can ask your classmates about the quiz and questions on the discussion board (I won’t check it. The board is only yours to help each other.)