Writing Homework Help

University of California LA Communications Speech Evaluation Paper


Instructions – Students were automatically assigned a peer review assignment, but it did not pop up until this week. Each student has 3 peer speeches to choose from. Choose 1 speech, go to the peer review assignment found on your “To Do” list under your dashboard, and complete the review as described below. After you finish it copy and paste what you wrote on the review to this assignment. This process is completely anonymous.

Description – These are peer evaluations. Students will be assigned random student speeches and provide a peer evaluation of another student’s speech. These are like the professional speech evaluation. Students write a 2-paragraph response about the speech. The first paragraph is a summary of the speech. The second paragraph is their evaluation of it: how good or bad the content was, how well it was delivered, and how good or bad it was overall. Students grades will depend on how thorough they respond, and the length of the response is considered in the grade.