Writing Homework Help

University of Oregon My Past Present and Future Essay


Write a 750-word essay that expresses who you’ve been (past), who you are (present), and who you intend to be (future) — related to your professional career. Devote an equal amount of words (250 each) under each section heading: Past, Present, Future. It’s expected that you will not have the future yet figured out. Don’t stress out about this. It’s perfectly normal. View this as an opportunity to commit some ideas to paper. Submit as a Word document.


  1. Named after my grandfather
  2. Soccer player
  3. High school
  4. Want to be a business major


  1. Covid hit
  2. Trying to figure out who I am in the process
  3. Switched majors
  4. Want to be useful for myself and for the people around me


  1. Return everything back to my family (father)
  2. Continue to be successful
  3. Graduate with determination
  4. Hopefully to work in the sports industry (Nike, Soccer … etc)

Everybody has a purpose on their journey to fulfill. Some people are in the process of figuring it out and others don’t know that yet. When I was younger I always had those thoughts of who I would be or who I’ll become.

I grew up in Saudi Arabia my whole life. I’ve always loved soccer since I was a young kid. My dream was to be a professional soccer player one day and I’ve always been involved with anything that has to do with soccer. That made me fall in love with the brands facilitating the athletes as well. With the likes of Nike, Adidas and Puma. However, by the time I graduated from high school, I’d already suffered an injury and that crushed my dream. My father gave me a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that could change my life, which is studying in the United States at Lane Community College. The day I left my country and my whole life that I built behind to go and to find out who I will become took place in September 2017. I was seventeen years old. From that moment, I promised myself that I would return all the investments and the efforts back to him and my family one day. I already developed an interest in business, I enjoyed seeing my father work and slowly I started loving the things he taught me about being a businessman. My father already Owned a Iphone shop when I was fourteen years old, and I voluntarily wanted to work that summer to learn more about everything. I remember, he showed me how to work the ledger, how to speak with customers and how to run the cash register and I loved everything about the shop. So, I decided to major in business since my father already has a small business going on and I want to help with his business.

After two long years at LCC, I finally transferred to the University of Oregon in the spring term. When my whole life changed again, the whole world was going through a pandemic and I was unfortunate enough to transfer to my dream college when the virus spread worldwide. I was already in a pickle when The UO was going through a lot of changes through staff and classes and throughout the whole school