Writing Homework Help

Ashford University Prisons as Repositories & False Confessions Essays


Prisons as Repositories

After the closing of most of the country’s mental health facilities, many wonder if prisons are the new mental health facilities.

After reading/viewing the following sites reflect on your thoughts. Should prisons be for profit? What is society’s role in protecting those who cannot care for themselves? Who should pay for these services? Is this worth your tax dollars? What steps should be taken?

Profits-prisons (Links to an external site.)

Prisons are the ‘new asylums’

False Confessions

The book outlines police tactics that have elicited false confessions.

The book outlines police tactics that have elicited false confessions. Do you think police should be able to use these tactics? Look at the following resources and cite your own.

If you have Netflix (you can get free trial)

Documentary False Confessions (Links to an external site.)

Wrongful convictions