Writing Homework Help

SDCC How the Poor Are Made to Pay for Their Poverty Discussion


be sure to fully introduce the source, identify the author’s claim or argument, and present their reasons for supporting details for his/her claim. The length of your summary should be between 6 to 8 sentences. Aim for conciseness and avoid giving your opinion.

  • Johnson (Links to an external site.), “Unspeakable Conversations” (pp. 93-109)
    Brilliant writing and perspective from a writer who was physically disabled herself. A long read, but worth it – especially if you like writers with sass.
    Vocabulary: token, infanticide, assisted suicide, stereotypes, fungible
  • West (Links to an external site.), “Bones” (pp. 111-117)
    An honest and thought-provoking take on the impact of societal perceptions of body norms. She doesn’t hold back.
    Vocabulary: euphemism, infantilize
  • hooks (Links to an external site.), “Learning in the Shadow of Race and Class” (pp. 274-282)
    A deeply personal piece by the great bell hooks that reflects on race, privilege, and one’s place in higher education.
    Vocabulary: privileged, contempt, bourgeois elite
  • Ehrenreich (Links to an external site.), “How the Poor Are Made to Pay for Their Poverty” (pp. 364-368)
    An eye-opening piece on how our laws and policies are designed to punish the poor.
    Vocabulary: perpetrators, wage theft, “turn a blind eye,” TANF, indigent, usury
  • Coates (Links to an external site.), “Between the World and Me” (pp. 550-554)
    In an epistle (letter) to his son, Coates reflects on the black body as a sustained metaphor for the violence and racism inflicted on African Americans since the United States’ founding until today.
    References: the Middle Passage, Trail of Tears
    Vocabulary: deify, heresies, indelible