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Causes & Treatment of Female Reproductive Tract Disorders Discussion


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    Chapter 15 The Female Reproductive System

    • Use roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes to construct and analyze (deconstruct) medical terms related to the female reproductive system.
    • Spell and pronounce correctly medical terms related to the female reproductive system in order to communicate them with accuracy and precision in any health care setting.
    • Define accepted abbreviations related to the female reproductive system.
    • Apply your knowledge of medical terms relating to the female reproductive system to documentation, medical records, and medical reports.
    • Translate the medical terms relating to the female reproductive system into everyday language in order to communicate clearly with patients and their families.
  • Chapter 16 Infancy to Old Age

    Immediately after birth and in the whole neonatal period dramatic and rapid changes occur in the growth and development of cells, tissues, and body systems. These changes slow down through infancy, childhood, adolescence and young adulthood until maturity , which occurs at different ages for different body systems. In general, maturity occurs in the late twenties. Eventually and inevitably, different physiological changes in cells, tissues, and body systems lead to a progressive deterioration and decline in function. This process is called senescence and is manifest as the changes that occur in aging and eventually in death. In order to communicate with your colleagues and patients about this process, you will need to:

    • Use roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes to construct and analyze (deconstruct) medical terms related to pediatrics and geriatrics.
    • Spell and pronounce correctly medical terms related to pediatrics and geriatrics to communicate them with accuracy and precision in any health care setting.
    • Define accepted abbreviations related to pediatrics and geriatrics.
    • Identify the significance of the medical terms used in aging and senescence.
    • Discuss the medical issues in dying and death.
    • Apply your knowledge of medical terms relating to pediatrics and geriatrics to documentation, medical records and medical reports.
    • Translate the medical terms relating to pediatrics and geriatrics into everyday language in order to communicate clearly with patients and their families.