Writing Homework Help

Cross Cultural Dream Book Reflection Essay


write a five-page essay.  Each of these books focuses on the dream practices of a different culture or perspective

The book:

St. Pierre, M. & Long Soldier, Tilda (1995). Walking in a sacred manner: Healers, dreamers, and pipe carriers – medicine women of the Plains Indians by Mark St. NY: Touchstone Books.

[*I will provide a link to the eBook]

In this essay you will do the following:

  • Describe the book as though you were writing a short synopsis for a book jacket.
  • Describe your key learning from this book and what inspired you as you read it.
  • Describe how this book has added dimensions to your understanding of dreams and dreaming.
  • Describe how it expanded your personal dreaming process.
  • Include anything else that seems relevant to this paper.