Writing Homework Help

Concordia College Biological Nature of Humans Discussion Responses


Luis Marin Reyes


Everything that is psychological is simultaneously biological and I agree, for me it is true. I believe that from the time we get up until we go to bed, we activate everything through psychological reactions. I mean, I think that as we grow, we ourselves create responsibilities that become mental, they can be children, jobs or habits. That since we open our eyes, mentally our brain literally tells us why we have to get up. And after we get up come the emotions which sometimes we don’t understand. For example, it has happened to me that I wake up sad, and when I look around there is no reason to be sad and fast I realize that I have to change my thinking because if I continue to act through the emotion I feel, things will not go as they should. In addition. it is very real that our senses are guided by our emotions, it has happened to me that I have felt super happy and when I eat, I enjoy the food and I like it super well, just as I have felt sad and my favorite dish has remained complete on the table. I believe that experiences mark our being by the emotions we feel when we pass them. I think the senses are the beginning of everything, it’s like it’s a way to be able to express anything we want, we start talking about what we feel and then we end up talking about emotions. As well as the teacher writes. without sensation there is no perception. Well, in the same module it is defined that from the sensations come the perceptions. It all comes from what we have lived and seen. And I think that’s why every day I look inside me, I look on the internet how to “struggle” day by day with life because not always our perceptions are correct, sometimes we see how people around us react to sensations in an incorrect way and we perceive that in that way it is that we can act because it is simply the only thing we have seen. Well, I would like this class to be face-to-face because every point of each of us is super exciting to learn.

Keilymar Lugo Noa 

Greetings, I think it is excellent the way in which the companion used the theme to meditate on sitiations of our daily life. As you mention, we all have specific needs and responsibilities to get up for every day and even always keep them in mind in our thoughts. Also, I explain correctly how the senses influence our emotions. What the companion explained has happened to all of us as an example that even the way we feel influences daily processes such as eating. I think the partner did a good job and had a good command of the material.