Writing Homework Help

WRHC Tracks the Number of Calories that I Eat Program


I’m studying for my Computer Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Now that you have a little experience writing a sample program, think of a program that you could develop for your benefit. If you work, this can be something for work or just an application that you would personally use. Discuss each of the following:

  1. Description of the program.
  2. After reviewing the unit 2 material, is this something you think you could create at this point?

An important part of learning to program is trying to research and things for yourself. I would recommend as we continue throughout the course, whenever you think of an application, try to see if you can create it for yourself and learn things on your own. The more practice you have working with applications and problem solving thru ideas, the more skilled of a developer you’ll become.