Writing Homework Help

CAS 283 The Ohio State University Lesson 12 Comm and Info Tech Discussion


I’m studying for my Communications class and need an explanation.


In this assignment you will be demonstrating your understanding of what is needed to be a digitally included citizen. You will find real world solutions and critique them and discuss what could make them more inclusive solutions.


Please address the prompts below on the Lesson 12 discussion board.

  • Find one example of a solution that a person or company has created to address the digital divide (you may NOT use Project Loon or RIA (Aleph Molinari) since they were discussed in the lesson). Summarize the solution and then critique what you see as the positives and negatives of the solution as compared to the criteria we learned in this lesson.
  • Discuss how you think the solution could better address digital inequality. What might be added or altered to make this a more complete solution?
  • Respond to ONE classmate’s posts. Your response should make connections between their example and your understanding of the content in this lesson.