Writing Homework Help

Employee Wellness Initiative Feasibility Report


Create a feasibility report that examines the feasibility of a service, strategy, initiative, policy, program, process, or change. A senior management or board of directors will be the recipient of the feasibility report.


The reports should adhere to this organization:  Headings are in bold

Cover page  (See sample in Resource titled, “Formal Reports”)

Table of Contents

Introduction (approx. 1-1.5 pages)

Problem/Need – background of problem/need, and why

  1. Solutions and Alternatives – explain the solutions/alternatives you have selected (must have at least 3).
  2. Establishing Criteria -establish at least 3 criteria selected for making comparisons. Tell how and why you selected criteria to use as yardstick in evaluating alternatives.
  3. Definition of Criteria – your criteria should be very objectively defined so they are not subjective and open to opinion

  4.   Body (approx. 2-3 pages)

  • Discussion/Evaluation – thoroughly discuss and evaluate the alternatives based on the criteria. Be sure to offer advantages and disadvantages of each.  Refer to the graphic in the Appendices.  

   5.  Recommendations   (approx. 1-2 pages)

  • Recommendation -clearly and concisely indicate which specific product(s) or service(s) you recommend for your organization and why.

Advantages/Disadvantages – offer the advantages and disadvantages of your recommendation.

  • Offer Plan for Implementation – How will your organization purchase product(s) or service(s)? When? Where? Who will be responsible for making purchase?

Summary or Conclusion – end your report with an appropriate and professional closing statement or paragraph.

  • Appendix an original (you must create) data depiction : bar chart, line chart, pie chart.  Tables may be used but they do not count toward the graphic requirement ) (approx. 1 page)