Writing Homework Help

West Virginia Career and Technical Institute Job Analysis Question


Due may 5th 10 pm

This assignment is intended to:

  1. introduce you to, or increase your familiarity with, job search websites and the content included in job postings,
  2. help you explore your career interests,
  3. pinpoint the knowledge and skills you can develop to become qualified for a position of interest.


  1. Visit the O*NET website.
    1. Click on the hyperlink, “Find Occupations.”
    2. In the textbox under “Keyword or O*NET-SOC Code,” enter an occupation you are interested in pursuing (for example, “Chef.”)
    3. Under the generated “occupation” links, select 2 similar occupations (within the same search results) you might be interested in upon graduation. For example, when searching for “Chef, “you would click on “Chefs and Head Cooks” and “Cooks, Restaurant” from the results list.
    4. For each occupation (e.g., “”Chefs and Head Cooks” and “Cooks, Restaurant”), examine the job description, job specifications, and salary information.
  1. Visit the job search website Indeed.com.
    1. Look for similar jobs (as the ones generated from O*Net) using the Indeedsearch engine (e.g., enter “Chef” into the “what” textbox).
    2. Again, examine the job description, job specification, and salary information for two (2) jobs.

Answer the following three questions for each of the two jobs:

Paragraph 1: What similarities and differences did you find between the two job descriptions, job specifications, and salary information listed on the two different websites? Note, you are comparing two different jobs on O*Net to their corresponding jobs on Indeed.com.

Paragraph 2: How well qualified are you for the positions? What additional training and experience do you need for the positions?

Paragraph 3: Drawing from information we covered in the Job Analysis lecture, how can you use this information in your job search/career? Be specific.

In order to receive full credit:

  1. Your responses should be thorough. Please write in full paper/paragraph format. Your total response should be a minimum of one single-spaced page, and a maximum of 2 single-spaced pages.
  2. You must include a copy or a screenshot of each of the job postings your search generated (4 total—2 each from O*Net and Indeed).