Writing Homework Help

SUNY at Albany On demand by Eugenia Lim Media Analysis


Choose one video to analyze:

  1. Show Me a Good Time (2020) by Gob Squad Arts Collective. https://www.gobsquad.com/projects/show-me-a-good-time/
  2. Black Box Fantomtheater Für 1 Person (2020) by Von Stefan Kaegi/Rimini Protokoll

https://vimeo.com/447107897. https://www.rimini-protokoll.de/website/en/videos.

  1. On Demand (2019) by Eugenia Lim. https://6x6project.com/artwork/on-demand-by-eugenia-lim/. https://www.eugenialim.com/portfolio/on-demand/.

Discuss genre, acting style, and narrative structure. Also analyze the use of voice and music in the video. What is the argument and point of view expressed in the video and what is its compositional strategy? The first two videos are done by theatre companies from Berlin, Germany. Both Gob Squad Arts Collective and Rimini Protokoll cannot perform in front of a large audience during the Pandemic and they explore the impossibility of theatre when live performance is disallowed. The third video is by an Australian artist whose ancestry is Chinese/Singaporean. Her work examines stereotypes, identity, and ideology