Writing Homework Help

Chart of Vaccine Preventable Contagious Diseases Questions


I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

Chapter 17

Use your text to answer the following questions. If you use outside resource, make sure to provide a citation.

extbook: Buchbinder, S. B., Kite, B.J., & Shanks, N. H. (2021). Introduction to Health Care Management. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

1. Looking at the chart of vaccine-preventable contagious diseases, provide a prioritized list of required vaccinations for healthcare employees. Be sure to provide a rationale for your rankings, as well as examples of why exceptions might be granted, along with appropriate references.

2. preschooler is brought to the ED by her mother. The child is sneezing and coughing and has a rash on her face. The mother indicates her daughter is under the care of a hospital-employed pediatrician. When the nurse pulls up the child’s records on the computer, the doctor’s notes state: “Parents declined MMR vaccinations. Parents counseled about risks of contracting measles and informed of recent outbreaks.” What should the nurse do next? Who should she notify? What is the role of the healthcare manager in managing this potential public health emergency? Provide a solid rationale for your response, along with appropriate references.

3. Request an interview with a healthcare executive and explore their perceptions of risk and disaster preparedness for their organization, particularly as it relates to heat disasters. Ask to see the healthcare organization’s heat disaster plan, create a report to your professor on the organization’s preparedness. Provide rationales for your assessment, along with appropriate references.

4. The ED physicians in your hospital have recently suffered an increase of injuries from assaultive patients and family members. One doctor had to be hospitalized with head injuries after the most recent assault. Upon interview, co-workers inform you the security guard int he ED has been less visible as of late. They have complained to the ED managers with no avail. Using the resources and references provided in this chapter, create a plan for a root cause analysis of this latest incident and an injury prevention plan.

5. A 20 year old college student is brought to the ED for an opioid overdose. They are treated with naloxone and revived. While in recovery, they share with the nurse a lifelong struggle with depression. When they used, they were hoping to die and all their suffering would be over. Was this a real suicide attempt or an overdose? Who should the nurse notify? What is the role of the healthcare manager in managing this scenario? Provide a solid rationale for your response along with appropriate references.