Writing Homework Help

ENGL 1C ECC Biden & American Families Plan Informative Article Analysis Essay


Hi, I have an essay assignment about reporting one event. The below files are detailed information about it.

  • The word count is about 800 words.

This is the line of the record of the event I chose: https://www.c-span.org/video/?511434-1/president-biden-delivers-remarks-tidewater-community-college

This is the line of the transcript of the event I chose: https://www.rev.com/transcript-editor/shared/aeOzsupsx7h27JVM1IYo_iX20gqy5fqH6qzvQkAsFtDL0TzM_xpDGn5uCQmb5U9zqDFc_bv8j8owAerNjt_dbFbgdcw?loadFrom=PastedDeeplink&ts=55.74

I also need a brainstorm for this essay, please write it before the formal essay.

Thank you so much! Let me know if there is something I can help you with! I will increase the tip according to the quality of your writing. Thank you so much