Writing Homework Help

Howard Community College Similarities and Differences of The Origin Stories Poster


You have tremendous flexibility in how you choose to complete this assignment.  Some examples of things that could fulfill it are below. You can draw the poster and take a photo of it, or you can use a program (Prezi) to generate your poster using your content. They key thing is to create and explain a visual representation of what you feel are the most important ideas from the module. You don’t necessarily have to draw, but you should not use found images on the internet to compose your poster. You can use your computer to create shapes/diagrams, etc.

Use your literary criticism resource page to help guide your approach to this assignment.

This assignment encourages students to practice and perform a variety of ways of thinking:

think creatively about the module by thinking of how to present it to others

synthesize varied ideas from across your readings

articulate your thinking in new and self-authored ways

organize and communicate your ideas to an audience of academic peers

To complete this assignment successfully, you must:

Reflect on what we’ve learned so far in the stories of:

Creation story in Bible from Genesis (Adam/Eve, Cain/Abel, Noah/The great floor)

Islam/Quran and the 5 pillars of faith

The Odyssey and the Greek Gods and Romans (Odysseus, Penelope, Zeus, Telemachus)

  • Popol Vuh/Creation story of the Maya (roles of gender, animals, numbers, and the pairing/repetition of phrases)
  • Then, focus on what you think are the most significant components from these pieces of literature.
  • Think of a poster presentation style that represents how you make sense of this module (you can physically draw out your poster/paper or create a Prezi, etc)
  • Design and create this poster.  Artistic ability is not required, but clarity of thought and relationships are important.