Writing Homework Help

Friends University Significant Blockades in the Banc Stadium Project Discussion


I need two APA format papers

1. Research a recently built stadium or arena and submit a fully-developed answer to each of the following questions:

  1. What planning was undertaken?
  2. How long did the planning process take?
  3. Were there any significant roadblocks that they ran into while building the stadium or arena? If yes, were those roadblocks identified or missed during the planning process?

Paper should be 2-4 pages and properly cited using APA.

2. Submit a fully-developed response for each of the following parts:

Part 1: In your own words, define or determine what financial success looks like in a major sport construction project. This could be a list of bullet points, a chart/table (like a grading rubric), etc.. Explain the significance and necessity of each element.

Part 2: Research a major sport construction project in a large city such as Dallas, New York, Brooklyn, Santa Clara, etc.. Based on your definition of financial success from Part 1, determine if the researched construction project is/was a financial success. What factors led you to that conclusion?

Assignments are expected to be in APA format and have 2-4 pages