Writing Homework Help

SMU Compensation Issue in Amazon Strategic Consulting Report


The assignment of the term will be a strategic consulting report on a compensation issue affecting individuals in an organization setting or environment. In this assignment, you will be responsible for selecting an organization in either the public, private, or nonprofit sector, that you feel would benefit from an organizational audit. My hope is that, by this time, you have developed some ideas about how equitable wage and salary structure, policy, and practice affects organizational life especially considering what we have learned about how important people are in organizational contexts. Your job will resemble the work of a consultant. In 5-8 pages (not including a title page, references, and appendices), you will propose, in detail, an organizational change within an organization of your choice. You cannot audit an organization that you have previous experience with or one that will prove difficult collecting data for (Fortune’s Global 500 annual list of the world’s most profitable companies is a good place to start).

Write this report as if you are providing a report to the Board of Directors or CEO of the organization (but provide enough background and context so that I, who am not a part of the organization, can understand it). You should provide background on the organization and its context; detail the current policy, practice, or situation that merits an intervention; your rationale and logic for changing it (referencing the appropriate research materials); and provide a thorough recommendation and well-structured plan for implementing the change. Using evidence and logic, your job is to convince me of the credibility of your ideas. Write well: structure, cohesiveness, and conciseness matter.