Writing Homework Help

Chapter 17 Transatlantic Economy Slavery in the Americas Questions


Question 3: Choose one topic from the class textbook from any period of history after 1500. See pages 29 to 46 for the list of topics. You may wish to focus on a topic that we have already covered in class, but this is not required. Note: Topics are listed in italics in the textbook. For example The Portuguese Chart the Course (Chapter 16); Establishment of Slavery in (Chapter 17); Land and People in (Chapter 18)… 

Choice of topic: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 


3a) Why do you think this topic is important in the history of its region? [3 points] You may want to highlight what changes and events occurred due to this topic, or how it affected people’s lives. 



3b) If you were to conduct additional research about this topic, what would your research questions be? Write three research questions. [3 points] 

Select questions which (i) highlight what you think is unknown or unexplained about this topic, based on what you have read in the textbook and elsewhere; (ii) explore how people’s lives were changed because of this topic, or things related to it; and which (iii) highlight the social and historical significance of this topic. 



3c) What sort of primary source would you consult to help you learn more about this period of history? Read in your textbook and research online to discover more about the sources that might exist from this era. Give as much detail as possible. [3 points] 

Only one example of a relevant primary source is needed but give as much detail as possible. 



3d) Do you think society in the period you are writing about was different from society in the twenty-first century? Why or why not? Use specific historical examples to justify your answer. You can use examples from different topics within the same chapter if you wish. [6 points]