Writing Homework Help

OL 321 SNHU Godin Marketing Philosophy Discussion


I need my initial post plus 2 classmates responses done. I have included the link for this video below. I also have included what my group is working on for our business plan.

Watch the TED Talks video Seth Godin on Sliced Bread, and answer the following questions:https://www.ted.com/talks/seth_godin_how_to_get_yo…

  • According to Godin, whom should marketers be targeting? Do you agree? Why or why not?
  • If you adopted Godin’s marketing philosophy, how would this affect your marketing plan for your team’s business concept?

In your response to other posts, comment on their opinions on Godin’s views as well as on their applications to their business plans. Did you learn anything from other posts?

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

My 1st classmate response needed.

5-1 Discussion: Marketing Plan

Edward Carmichael posted Sep 30, 2021 9:18 PM

I agree with Mr. Godin’s concept of marketing. He rationalizes marketing with different observations. Take the remarkable marketing this concept is referring to that if your offering itself isn’t remarkable it is invisible. Enforcing how important marketing is to a business or ideas. The slice bread concept revolutionized marketing. I would use the slice bread concept with our 911 app business. Our target audiences would be all people that needs medical treatment.

2nd classmate response needed

Discussion 5-1

Robert Adams posted Sep 30, 2021 4:55 PM

Hi class,

I found the presentation from Seth Godin to be eye-opening and informative. I never considered some of the principles he spoke about until he pointed them out. If I were randomly asked whom to market a product to, I would probably say the majority of people that consume similar products. However, Seth Godin points out in a very clever way how that way of thinking leads to consumer ignorance. According to Godin, marketers should focus their efforts on marketing to innovators and early adopters. This typically goes against what we think is true because that group of people is often a small percentage of the overall consumer base. However, that small minority is made up of people who care about what a marketer is presenting. And it gets more profound than that. Consumers who are obsessed with a particular industry are hungry for new information and products. And because they are obsessive, they will be excited to share their new findings with friends and family. Thus, grabbing the attention of the majority and slowly bringing them into the new light of that product or service.

My team’s business concept, the 911 mobile app, would be marketed toward people in the health and wellness industry and parents based on Godin’s philosophy. These two groups are likely to be the most passionate about accessibility to such a service. Furthermore, these consumers would make it a point to spread the word about our app once they experience it first hand.