Writing Homework Help

University of Phoenix Accounting Risk Assessment for Robatellis Pizzeria Question


Review the Robatelli’s Pizzeria Case Study.

Perform an enterprise-wide risk assess-ment for Robatelli’s Pizzeria.

Write a 800 to 1,200-word proposal that shows your plan for the project.

Identify risk areas and the criteria to be used to determine likelihood, magnitude, velocity, and persistence.

  • Provides detailed breakdown of fraud risks, risk areas, and the related criteria.

Link risk categories to financial statement assertions of existence, completeness, rights & obligations, accuracy & valuation, and presentation & disclosure. An example may be located here:


Include fraud risks and the incentives, opportunities, and rationalization related to fraud.

Format your paper consistent with APA standards. All sources must be cited w/ proper citations.

Review your originality report. This assignment should be original to you w/ no more than 20% quoted material.