Writing Homework Help

GEOG 101 Morgan State University Population Geography Discussion


The world population currently stands at approximately 7.8 billion people.  Population has grown faster in the last century than any other century.  This chapter examines various population trends, clusters, and characteristics. 

Learning Objectives:  After completing this chapter, students must be able to:

identify and characterize the major population clusters in the world. 

summarize the Demographic Transition Model and its various components.

compare various population pyramids based on countries.

discuss how HIV/AIDS has impacted population in Africa.

In order to complete you assignments for this module, first, please go over the following items:

1. Go over the power point lecture & video recording

2. Complete the textbook readings for this chapter

3. Watch the short video and read the short article on China’s One Child Policy

4. Submit a one-page writeup on the One Child Policy video

5. Watch the documentary on HIV/AIDS

6. Submit a one-page writeup on the documentary

7. Read the AVERT HIV/AIDS Timeline article

8. Submit a one-page writeup on the Timeline

 Any plagiarism will result in an automatic zero (a few words in one or two places is okay).  



The first task, view the video and read the article on China’s One-Child Policy.  Next type is a one-page (500-word minimum), single-spaced analysis.  The first half should summarize the video and article combined.  The second half should be your opinion on this issue.  You MUST provide 3 advantages and disadvantages of the One-Child Policy. 


The second task, watch this video on HIV & AIDS which compares patients in England and Zimbabwe.  After watching the video, please type a one-page (250-word minimum), single-spaced write-up.  The first half should be a summary of the video.  The second half should be your opinion on HIV/AIDS.  Anything you say should be justified rather than just making general statements.  Remember, I’m not looking for a right or wrong answer in the section, just your opinion. 



The third task, avert is an HIV/AIDS charity organization based in England.   They provide detailed information and education on the issue and they are a valuable resource to learn more about the history and current trends of HIV/AIDS.

Please click on the above title which will take you to a timeline graph.  The graph contains 29 information bits (circles with information).  Click on each circle and more details will pop up.  On the timeline, the first circle is in 1959 and the last circle is in 2015.