Writing Homework Help

UOD Organisations Online Engagement with The Public Report


You must read thoroughly about the rubric. It is a report on an organisation’s online engagement with the public sphere. You can choose whatever organisation you want but the format must be exactly same as my sample article which I provided in the attachment. You must provide appendix as well which include SWOT analysis, facebook screenshot, twitter screenshot, instagram screenshot, Comparison of ‘Help me’ posts in Facebook and Twitter, YouTube content and Instagram comment according to the organisation you choose. Besides the appendix, citation is a must. I have provided articles as attachment and the specific of page numbers at the last. You need to cite from these articles and according facebook, twitter, youtube or other social media content as well. Thanks a lot!

The sample essay that I provided largely explains what we need to do.

Background and Context

This task is designed to develop your understanding of the relationship among public opinion, policy and the public sphere. It requires you to research the contemporary nature of role of the public sphere, especially in relation to the integration of digital, online spaces (such as websites, social media, mobile media, digital platforms, and so on) from an organisational communication perspective.

You are able to choose the type of organisation you would like to investigate in your report. This can be a NGO (like Amnesty International or Greenpeace), either national or international, a political party, a supranational institution like the United Nations or the World Trade Organisation.

Key questions

  • What is the mission, key objectives, and strategies of the organisation, especially in relation to public sphere and public opinion?
  • Who are the organisation’s stakeholders?
  • How does your chosen organisation use online spaces and digital technology to engage with the public?
    • In what kind of digital platforms does the chosen organisation present its public image? What is behind these choices?
    • Who does the organisation target in dissemination of messages and information?
    • What is the content and form of the organisation’s online communication?
    • What kind of timing does the organisation disseminate specific messages and information?
    • Does the use of such digital technologies alter, extend, or refine the organisation’s engagement with public sphere and public opinion?
  • What recommendations can be made to improve the organisation’s online engagement?

Key inclusions

  • Demonstrated theoretical understanding of foundational concepts of the public sphere and application to public engagement by an organisation
  • Detailed original analysis of the selected organisation’s use of digital technology as per the questions above
  • A report structure: Introduction, sub headings and recommendations

Assignment Presentation Requirements

  • Your report should be 1500 (+/- 10%) words in length. The reference list is not included in the word count. 
  • APA referencing must be used. A guide to APA 6th can be downloaded here
  • Only submissions in doc or docx files will be accepted
  • Appendices, diagrams and/or glossaries are encouraged. 
  • Presentation should be professional in tone, style, formatting, and design.
  • Submission must be uploaded as a doc or docx file. No other file formats will be accepted.