Writing Homework Help

DAC James Nachtwey Ground Zero & Alice Walker Am I Blue Analyses Discussion


I’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.

Answer these 2 question, Remember to end your post with a question to further the discussion!

Question 1: In “Ground Zero,” James Nachtwey reflects on both the immediate experience of being at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and the process of photographing. Consider the relationship between words and the images he is capturing. How does he present this visual language in his essay? Try and be as specific as possible in your response, pointing out places in the text where this occurs.

Question 2: How does Alice Walker connect her narrative argument about Blue to the many social ideas that she discusses at the end? What does she present and describe in the story about Blue that implies these many issues? Try and be as specific as possible in your response, pointing out places in the text where this occurs.