Writing Homework Help

COM 510 Strayer University Wk 9 Explore Graded Activity Template


Use the prompts below to submit your plan for your verbal presentation to your instructor for review. Save your document with your last name_first initial_Week9_COM510 (example: Smith_J_Week9ubmit the plan for your verbal presentation script to your instructor for review using the provided template:

Communication Proposal for Internal Promotion

The purpose of this communication proposal is the application for an internal promotion. This topic choice is influenced by my desire to handle more tasks that require an increased level of expertise. Having spent four years at the organization in the data management department, both under the internship program and employment, I have acquired significant experience in my line of duty. Furthermore, I have been excelling at my department over the past years of employment, and desire a more complex challenge at the workplace. The target audience of this proposal comprises the organization’s management team, comprising of the Human Resource, Finance Manager, and the overall head of departments. I have maintained close ties with the organization’s management by striving to yield the most commendable work output over the past four years at the organization.