Writing Homework Help

Kings College London General Education Self Assesment


our reflection may include your major but must specifically focus on the courses you have completed in General Education. When discussing General Education please include how the courses used to fulfill the pathway requirements (see General Education PathwaysLinks to an external site.) have helped connect General Education to overall studies as well as where your career might be taking you.

Consider the following as a beginning to items you may wish to consider. The list is not exhaustive so there may be other items you wish to discuss. Please feel free to add anything else you consider appropriate to help program reviews understand how this course of study has and will help you move forward both academically and in your career.

There is no page requirement for this assignment but please review the grading rubric below to assure that you adequately cover the areas to be reviewed.

Reflecting on Your Accomplishments

Every self-assessment offers an opportunity to detail what you’ve accomplished. This is your opportunity to demonstrate the value of the CWU General Education program. While the facts and figures of individual programs will vary, you should include the following in your own self-assessment:

  • Include facts and figures– Collecting a series of details, facts, and figures can pay off when it comes time to actually write your self-assessment. It is important that you draw on specific examples of what you accomplished because of General Education you completed and how they have added value to your degree plan.
  • Be specific– Vague sentences in your self-assessment end up being meaningless to the reader, but if you can quantify your results with something specific, the reader can better understand the impact that your results had on your program.
  • Rationalize results– If you’re talking about a success that you had in your program, explain how you achieved it. Write down who else contributed, how responsibilities were divided, or what extra steps you took to ensure success. If you took a special initiative to ensure the success of a project, this is a good place to document that. If you came up short on a goal, this is the place to document what you learned through that experience, and/or what resources could have lead to more success.

Reflect on Your Mistakes

Throughout life, many people learn to strive for perfection and we may become afraid of making mistakes. In the real world, mistakes are part of life and people make them every day. It’s important to identify opportunities for professional improvement by analyzing your work, looking for times when you fell behind or didn’t get the result you wanted, and reflect on how you can do better in the future.

It is often good to frame mistakes as “opportunities for improvement”. A mistake is an opportunity for you to identify something that you can get better at, or did do better because of, and we want to see that you can recognize when your performance may not have been where you may have liked it and what things you will do to correct it.

Setting Goals for the Future

The most important part of your self-assessment is reflecting on your initial goals set for your education and how they will take you into the future. Your goals will fall into two categories: 1) things you wanted to accomplish in your program objectives, and 2) how those will factor into your future plans? Your self-assessment is your opportunity to identify activities you’d like to be doing more of in the future and how that will translate into a successful career.

5 Tips for Writing Your Evaluation taken from www.businessnewsdaily.com/5379-writing-self-assessment.html (Links to an external site.)

A performance evaluation is an important tool for keeping communication flowing between teams. Along with the performance evaluation often comes the self-assessment. An opportunity to self-reflect and consider what their strengths and weaknesses are, self-assessments are not only important to growth as a student but as a person. By critiquing your own work and behavior, you can gain insight that will assist you to improve now and in the future.

Despite its importance, writing a self-assessment is no easy task. Analyzing oneself can be immensely difficult, especially when that analysis is submitted to a supervisor for review. If you’re having trouble getting started, these five tips will help you learn how to write a self-assessment.

1. Be proud.

One major goal of the self-evaluation is to highlight your accomplishments and recollect milestones in your professional development. A good self-assessment should point to specific tasks and projects that highlight your best work. When describing those accomplishments, employees should emphasize the impact those achievements had on the whole project to emphasize their value to your plan of study and career.

2. Be honest and critical.

Self-assessments aren’t just about highlighting triumphs. You should also critically assess the times you came up short. Being honest means pointing out weaknesses that could be improved upon or past failures that taught you a valuable lesson. Recognizing your own flaws is important in demonstrating your ability to learn and grow.

Still, it’s important to not be self-deprecating in your assessment. Timothy Butler, a senior fellow, and director of career development programs at Harvard Business School advised employees to use developmental language when critiquing the areas in which they need to improve. “You don’t want to say, ‘Here’s where I really fall down,'” Butler told the Harvard Business Review. “Instead, say, ‘Here’s an area I want to work on. This is what I’ve learned. This is what we should do going forward.'”

3. Continuously strive for growth.

It’s important during self-assessments to never stagnate; humans are constantly adapting, learning, and changing. Whether you’ve had a great year or fallen short of your own expectations, it’s important to remain committed to improving and educating yourself. Taking a moment to list your goals and objectives for the future during a self-assessment demonstrates that you are not content to settle.

4. Track your accomplishments.

When it’s time to discuss your accomplishments in your self-assessment, providing hard data to show what you’ve done throughout the year is highly beneficial. Your faculty and advisors generally know how you have performed, but having concrete examples to back up any assertion strengthens the validity of your self-assessment.

5. Be professional.

You should always be professional when writing self-assessments. This means not bashing a program for not contributing what you expected or criticizing fellow students for making your life more difficult. It also means not gushing in an overly personal way about a teacher or peer you really like. Whether you are providing critical or positive feedback, it’s important to remain professional.

Being professional means giving the appraisal its due attention. Dominique Jones, chief operating officer at BetterU Education Corporation, advised treating your self-evaluation like a work of art that builds over time. You’ll be much happier with the result if you give yourself time to reflect and carefully support your self-assessment, she said.