Writing Homework Help

Meridian Community College Obama Speech Video Questions


For this assignment, you will watch three short videos:

(1) “Obama inspiring response to ‘Just Words’ Clinton critique” (just watch the first 4 minutes):

Obama inspiring response to ‘Just Words’ Clinton critique

(2) “Deval Patrick: ‘Just Words’ ” (start at 1:39):

Deval Patrick: “Just Words”

(3) Diane Sawyer/Deval Patrick Interview:

ABC’s Diane Sawyer asks Deval Patrick about Obama’s words

After reviewing these three videos above, please answer the following seven questions:

  1. Obama made several references to famous speeches in the opening of his speech.  Do these references constitute plagiarism if not cited?  Why or why not?
  2. Comparing the speeches between Obama and Patrick, discuss what type of plagiarism was used.
  3. Comparing the two speeches, discuss whether or not the plagiarism was unethical?  If so, explain what you think makes it unethical.  If not, explain what you think makes it ethical.
  4. If the author is okay with plagiarism, does that make it okay?
  5. What are the real world implications versus academic implications of plagiarism?  How does plagiarism affect someone in a real-world setting compared to just an academic setting?  
  6. What should have been done, if at all, to prevent this?
  7. If a person’s goals are truly unethical, what effects may his or her words have on the audience AND on the speaker