Writing Homework Help

Long Beach City College Thomas Alva Edison Discussion


Explain two innovations or inventions created by one of the following figures: John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie.  Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph.  You may use the textbook or search the internet.

Read the NY Times article from May 1886 that described the events of the Haymarket Affair (Links to an external site.) by clicking the link.  Compare the description of the events in the textbook with the reporting from the NY Times.  How are they similar, and how are they different?  Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph.  Here is an audio version of the NY Times article:Rioting and Bloodshed in the Streets of Chicago (Links to an external site.)Rioting and Bloodshed in the Streets of Chicago

  1. According to the textbook, the Native American population declined drastically after the westward movement of Americans after the Civil War.  Did Americans act immorally in their treatment of Native Americans, or is all fair in love and war (meaning that in a state of war the means justify the ends)? Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph.


  1. The Industrial Revolution began in the late 1800s, with discoveries and advancements from brilliant minds like Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell. Thomas Edison, the creator of electricity, was an American inventor and industrialist who filed over a thousand patents throughout his lifetime. Edison submitted his first invention for the Electrographic Vote Recorder at the age of 22, while working as a telegrapher. He created this gadget to assist legislators in the United States Congress in recording their votes more quickly than the voice vote mechanism allows. Edison eventually invents the luminous light bulb ten years later, on December 31, 1879, and his innovation changes human history. According to chapter 18 of the textbook, Edison explored over 6,000 different materials for the filament, starting with bamboo filament until he discovered that tungsten was the best option. He founded the Edison Electric Illuminating Company to produce and distribute these bulbs as a result of his inventive success.
  2. Reading Chapter 18.3 of the textbook and comparing it to an article from the New York Times from May 1886, I discovered that the textbook, in general, writes about the facts of the incident, but the article tended to embellish what transpired at the affair. This was my conclusion based on the parallels and contrasts between the article and the textbook. The fact that the demonstration was relatively quiet and the demonstrators had calm energy, as well as the fact that the bomb was thrown towards the police officers, are some of the parallels. On the other hand, some distinctions include the fact that the story never mentioned the seven anarchists who were arrested and sentenced to death, that the piece paid little attention to the opposite side of the attacks, and that it did not attempt to explain why such riots occur.
  3. Americans, in my opinion, treated Native Americans in an unethical manner. The federal government had already evacuated Native Americans from eastern areas before the Civil War. Within the westward march, the Indians refused to accept the settlers’ Euro-American culture, attitudes, and practices. The settlers were driven by “Manifest Destiny” to extend their territory, believing that they had the right and responsibility to control any other tribes they found along the way. The federal government’s eradication of Indian tribes prompted settlers to wage war on them in order to secure land for their crops and pastures for their livestock. Although the conflict benefitted white Americans, it did not stop them from abusing their authority and violence. Colonel John Chivington, for example, killed a peaceful camp in the Sand Creek Massacre, which included women and children. Native Americans have always been seen as a threat to settlers, and I do not believe that all of the battles and murders against them were justifiable.


Explain two innovations or inventions created by one of the following figures: John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie. Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph. You may use the textbook or search the internet.

Thomas Alva Edison is said to have registered 1,093 patents for new inventions in his lifetime while at the same time running a world-famous laboratory, Menlo Park. He is said to have grown an interest in the telegraph industry when he worked on trains selling candy and newspapers as a boy. By 1876 he had familiarized himself with the telegraph technology where he invented the phonograph which is still in use today. He is also well known for his greatest invention, the practical incandescent light bulb which he did in 1879. He is said to have tried over 6000 materials for the filament before he settled the carbonized cotton thread as the best material (U.S history, 2021).

2. Read the NY Times article from May 1886 that described the events of the Haymarket Affair (Links to an external site.) by clicking the link. Compare the description of the events in the textbook with the reporting from the NY Times. How are they similar, and how are they different? Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph. Here is an audio version of the NY Times article:

The description of the events that occurred on May 4, 1886, at the Chicago Haymarket Square differs in the textbook and the New York Times while others are similar. The textbook states that the anarchist group was conducting a silent protest while the police arrived armed for conflict while the New York Times says that the group was causing chaos and inciting people to attack the police. Another difference between the two is that the textbook states that only one policeman was killed and another injured while the New York times gives a gruesome picture of dozens of policemen dead and hundreds of other innocent civilians (nytimes.com, 1886). However, the events on the two accounts are similar in that the deaths were caused by a bomb that was thrown from the crowd. Also, both of them state that the cause of the protest was due to the anarchist group’s desire to denounce the atrocious acts of the police after killing one of the strikers.

3. According to the textbook, the Native American population declined drastically after the westward movement of Americans after the Civil War. Did Americans act immorally in their treatment of Native Americans, or is all fair in love and war (meaning that in a state of war the means justify the ends)? Write a 4-6 sentence paragraph.

The treatment of Americans on native Americans was wrong because they went to disrupt the peace the native Americans had accomplished. The Americans had believed that the land in the west was barren and the place was a desert. However, after a few incentives from the federal government, they decided to try their luck there. However, native Americans had already settled there and built the culture in which they lived on. The Americans on arrival forced them to abandon their culture and practice their own which was not only difficult for the people but also traumatized the children. The least they could have done is settle down peacefully and co-habitat with the native Americans, but instead they had to force everyone to follow their ways. If that was not enough, they grabbed their land and sold it to the settlers (U.S. History, 2021).