Writing Homework Help

Diablo Valley College Exponential Growth Discussion


I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

The following video by 3Blue1Brown that talks about exponential growth and COVID-19.  The information contained in these videos is based on science and is not intended to persuade anyone’s opinion.  It is meant to inform about exponential growth and uses data collected from infections of COVID-19.  The data collected and analyzed in creating these videos was gathered from known infections, deaths, recoveries of the disease as of March 2020.  The data was analyzed by using an exponential growth and logistics model to analyze how the rate of infection of any disease can be spread and analyzes how measures can be used to mitigate its spread.  The videos are very well done in terms of presentation and clarity in understanding exponential growth.

Please note that it was made in March 2020 when the virus was newly in this country and before vaccines were available. 

While you’re watching the videos write down any thoughts about exponential growth and/or questions you have.

The following video simulates how the growth of an epidemic can be altered by changing a few variables.  This was also made in March 2020.

Discussion Prompts:

Initial Post:

  • Write at least 3 things you learned about exponential growth or questions that came up while watching the videos