Writing Homework Help

California State University Fullerton Political Barriers Article Writing Research Analysis


Part 2: Research Analysis(3-5 pages)

You need to find and report on 2 comprehensive articles concerning your policy. Use the link I provided above to get an introduction to your policy; however, the associated reading cannot be one of the articles you need to find. Instead, you may use it as a reference in the introduction of the paper.

The two articles you select can’t just be loosely related to your topic but must specifically discuss your policy(e.g., its development, impact on specific populations, outcomes, evaluation). Articles need to be published within the last 6 years.You may search for your articles in different databases: legal, sociological, political, and psychological, Google Scholar, and the open internet. You goal is to find a comprehensive policy brief or evaluation by a governmental or private research center, e.g., the RAND Corporation. The articles should comprehensively discuss the social problem the policy is trying to alleviate, the history of the policy, its impacts on the target population; or the article could feature a critical analysis of the policy. Do not waste time searching for an empirical article. I am not asking for that. It is rare to find any or good empirical articles on policies. Your article cannot be just a print out of the policy from its government website.

If you are at all uncertain about whether your articles are appropriate, please come to office hours for feedback.

Please note! I am NOT asking you to find an empirical article.It is unlikely that you will find an empirical article that comprehensively describes your policy. Empirical articles are typically focused on one narrow part of an issue. I am also NOT limiting you to psychological databases. It is much more likely that you find relevant articles in law/sociology/policy related databases.

Please contact our affiliated librarian, Joanna Kimmitt, to help you structure your search: https://libguides.csudh.edu/prf.php?account_id=142130

For each article state:

1.The purposeof the article.

2.What are the article’s major arguments,findings or conclusions? Do NOT waste any space describing any research methods but focus on describing the major arguments, findings / data presented and their implications for the policy’s effectiveness and for the stakeholders.

3.In what ways does the article address your policy issue, related social issues, risk and protective factors; agency and community needs and functioning; social or political barriers to optimal functioning; any challenges to the effectiveness of the policy. Any persisting problems in spite of the policy?

4.What do the authors say should happen to alleviate problems associated with your topic? How does that fit with current challenges to the policy and any changes that are being proposed by various stakeholders?

Structure Part 2 in the following way:

PART 2, Article 1: Article Citation in APA Style. Sections 1-4.


PART 2, Article 2: Article Citation in APA Style. Sections 1-4.

·Label each article as indicated below, e.g.:

PART2, Article 1:

Ekberg, J., Eriksson, R., & Friebel, G. (2013). Parental leave — A policy evaluation of the Swedish “Daddy-Month” reform. Journal of economics,97, 131-143.

For each section, list the abbreviated section title (e.g., Section 1: Purpose of the Article; Section 2: Major Findings).This will help you to keep your paper organized and to make sure that you are addressing the necessary parts of the assignment