Writing Homework Help

UI Is Google Making Humanity Stupid Essay


Topic: Google is not making us stupid because it has enabled people to access factual information at the touch of a finger, helped people to realize their full potential, and it is enhancing our ability to connect with others everyday.


  • Typed, 12pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around
  • Your name, Professor’s name, ENGL 1301 for class, & Date
  • Student name and pg# as upper right HEADER
  • Title – at the very least, identify what you’re talking about, but try to be creative
  • Academic tone – avoid: 2nd person/the written “you”; slang, clichés/overused phrases; vague word choices (a lot, stuff, things) and absolutes (always, every, never, since the beginning of time)


  • 1200-1700 words (1200-word minimum)
  • Thesis/main argument underlined
  • Rhetorical writing strategies – transitions, topic sentences, warrants, examples, quotes etc.
  • Proper spelling and grammar (hint: use spell check and proofread before submission)
  • All quotes from the article must be cited in-text (often called parenthetical citation) and a properly formatted Works Cited page must be on a separate page at the end of the essay (this is not included as part of the required word count and is additional.)
  • One source must be from a peer reviewed database, and the other source may be of your choosing (it must be credible though).
  • A quote (or paraphrase) is expected in each body paragraph and all material that is from any other source must be cited both in-text and in a properly formatted Works Cited page at the end of the essay.

Assignment Explanation:

In your third essay, you will write a thoughtful research paper on a specific topic for which you take a strong stance. Make sure to have two sources and to use proper MLA formatting for in-text citations and for the Works Cited page.

If you follow the outline pattern, proofread carefully for grammar and mechanical errors, your final draft of the essay should be simple. Continue to read the Tips/suggestions for questions to answer that will guide you as you write this essay.

Remember: Do not forget the lessons learned in the last Module. Utilize proper 3-part essay structure by having an introduction with thesis, body paragraphs with topic sentences and examples (quotes), and a conclusion that ties the entire essay together and points back towards the original thesis, followed by a properly formatted MLA Works Cited page.