Writing Homework Help

ENG 101 Acaydia Spa and School of Aesthetics War in the Eyes of a Soldier Essay



  • three – five pages (excluding the sources Cited page)
  • double spaced 12 pt font
  • MLA documentation for quotes from the text (between three to five)
  • MLA Documentation quotes from expert sources if necessary to your thesis
  • Sources Cited page
  • CheckMywork link with the portfolio

The definition of literary analysis is: a method by which a thing is separated into parts, and those parts are given rigorous, logical, detailed scrutiny, resulting in a consistent and relatively complete account of the elements of the thing and the principles of their organization. Literary analysis is a highly focused reflection on a work of literature. When you analyze literature, you try to determine the author’s purpose for writing it. You dig deeply into the work to find the underlying theme, and you analyze elements like the plot, characters, speaker or narrator, and setting.

In this portfolio, you will develop a written analysis of a literary work from Unit 5 and select one of the literary selections to analyze- that means one poem or one prose selection. Select a piece that you know well and can analyze fully. Think about the characteristics of the period, the literary devices the author uses, format, syntax, and character development. Formulate a thesis statement that is workable and can be supported with textual and expert sources. You must include at least three documented sources in the portfolio and at two need to be expert sources besides the text. I would expect at least three to five quotes from the text to support your analysis.

In this portfolio, you will develop a written analysis of a literary work from Unit 5 and select one of the literary selections to analyze- that means one poem or one prose selection. Select a piece that you know well and can analyze fully. Think about the characteristics of the period, the literary devices the author uses, format, syntax, and character development. Formulate a thesis statement that is workable and can be supported with textual and expert sources. You must include at least three documented sources in the portfolio and at two need to be expert sources besides the text. I would expect at least three to five quotes from the text to support your analysis.

You will select Successful literary analysis:

  • Clear and focused thesis statement in the first paragraph
  • Provide analysis and textual evidence to support your position (thesis statement)
  • Provide expert sources to support your claims with analysis with quotes from the text and expert sources to support your position (thesis statement)
  • Have a reasonable and respectful tone (Writing Voice)

You want to use the details of the story or poem to support your thesis statement. Don’t write a summary of the story or poem – use the details of the literary selection to support your claim about the work. Remember all you have is the world of the story or poem – use it to support your thesis statement.

Dulce et Decorum est

Poem by Wilfred Owen