Writing Homework Help

LCC The Business Model of The Company Summary


I’m studying for my Accounting class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Summarize the case Vizio, Inc in half a page (Font Size 12/ Paragraph Spacing 1.5/ Font Type Times New Roman) and answer the following 4 questions:

1. Why was Vizio able to build such a large business in such a short period of time? What are the key strategic choices made by Wang and his team in driving this success? (The student describes

clearly Vizio’s strategy, its business model, and its partners ecosystem. The student clearly explains the market opportunity and how the company was able to build a low-cost position (provides 4 examples linking to suppliers, partners, inventory, reputation, and logistics)

2. How profitable was Vizio at the time of the case? (The student clearly analyzes the business model in financial terms. The student is able to identify the financial information to calculate ROE and operating profit to explain the business profitability.)

3. What are the potential threats to Vizio’s ability to sustain its success going foward? How concerned should Wang be about these threats? (The student identifies 2 potential threats and describe these potential threats.)

4. Should Vizio expand globally? If so, where and how?