Writing Homework Help

It is the year 2035 and Divorce Seems like the Solution Discussion Paper


Essay 3 – Digital Op-Ed – Joining the Conversation

Using the article you analyzed for Essay 2 (Rhetorical Analysis), write the next OP-ED in the conversation. This essay should be about 1000 words. WAIT! There is a catch. Write the essay as if you are in the future!

Step 1: Understand the Op-Ed.

Use Reflection Day notes.

Step 2: Make it Digital: You must design your Digital Op-Ed after the New York Times .

You must refer to the original article from Essay 2; make it a hyperlink.

You must have at least one other hyperlink for your Op-Ed.

You must have three or more strategies. See your strategies list and think about ethos, pathos and logos.

You must have at least one image and a creative op-ed worthy title. Put the url for the image directly under it.

You must include one other design element: bold, font, one sentence paragraphs.

You must have a powerful conclusion.

Step 3: Understand the op-ed from the future.

Read examples: https://www.nytimes.com/spotlight/future-oped

List qualities.

Step 4: Brainstorm your topic.

What has happened?

What year is it?

How does the future connect with the past?

How does the future illuminate the past?

In Op-Eds From the Future series science fiction authors, futurists, philosophers and scientists write Op-Eds that they imagine we might read 10, 50 or even 200 years from now. The challenges they predict are imaginary — for now — but their arguments illuminate the urgent questions of today and prepare us for tomorrow.


I am going to attach essay 2 and the article I used to write it, if you could please read through both of them to get a better understanding of the task.