Writing Homework Help

New York University Organizational Communication in Canada Questions


Please answer the following questions based on the course materials.

#1 : What does the word “Hockey” mean to you? Fun? Friends? Boredom? Canada? Beer? etc…

#2 : What does the American flag mean to you? Dominance? Patriotism? Bully? Freedom? Peace? etc…

#3: What does the Canadian flag mean to you? Dominance? Freedom? Acceptance? Peace? etc…

#4 : View the first video (next slide) on how to Valleyspeak. (2.25 min). Then view scenes with Alicia Silverstone in Clueless for additional examples. Finally return to your activity slide to identify some words from Valleyspeak that people still use today.



#5 : Slang, which is constantly changing and evolving, varies from country to country and even within regions of a country? Do you know any slang term that is not included in this list? Even emojis are changing as Gen Z rejects the laughing emoji, so popular with millennials. Have you ever heard the term “simp”? If so, has it been used in a positive, playful, or negative way? See the links to the articles on these ideas. (next slides) and comment below.



#6 : Read the article on the next slide. Have you heard the name Karen used in a similar way in Canada? Another example would be Stan, use in urban slang to refer to overzealous and obsessive fan. Google and share an example of the name Karen or Stan being applied to someone’s actions. (Please avoid discussing the issue in a way that would be vulgar or otherwise offensive.)


#7 : The following article (next slide) explains the reason for the “Just Not Sorry” Chrome app. After reading the article, analyze a sample of your own writing to see whether you use too many qualifiers. Briefly discuss the results of your analysis.


8. Listen to the following (next slide) 11:22 minute discussion of how language in 2020 has changed and adapted to accommodate our pandemic experiences. The discussion focuses not only on the dynamic nature of language but also on cultural differences in choices of words. Then give an example (one sentence only) of how you have used one of the terms in a conversation with family or friends. It can be a serious, sarcastic, or joking comment that you have made to someone.


#9: Based only on first impressions, answer the following questions about the woman in the photographs? (next slide) Then explain three of your choices. Married, single, widowed? Liberal or conservative? Feminist or traditionalist? Educated or uneducated? Actress, writer, teacher, judge, engineer, or artist? Retired or still working? Outspoken or reticent to speak her mind? Outgoing and sociable or serious and shy? Prefers opera, football, or chess? Does she prefer wine or beer? How many push ups a day do you think she does?

#10 : View the following video (next slide) on the connection between body language and power. Then select one of the following two options. Option 1: Try adopting the body postures that Amy Cuddy discusses. Comment on how you feel when adopting the different postures. Option 2: Notice when others make themselves “bigger” or “smaller.” You can use personal observation or an interaction on a TV or film show. Comment on how the characters convey power or lack of power through their postures. ALERT: The major idea(s) from this video could appear on an exam. You do not need to remember details or names—just the major ideas.


#11 : Go to the following links (next 2 slides) to see examples of leaders and their wives who have been criticized for appropriating the clothing of a culture. How do you feel about the topic of cultural appropriation? Give an example to illustrate your views.

