Writing Homework Help

ART HIST 101 University of North Carolina Aspects of Negro Life by Aaron Douglas Essay


For this assignment, you are to choose one artwork from the list below these instructions that you will research on the Internet. You do not need my approval on the artwork and it’s okay if multiple students choose the same artwork. Overall, the point of this assignment is exploring how the Internet can be used as a tool in aiding your knowledge on a given subject.Please answer the following questions in order, numbering each answer:

  1. Why did you choose this artwork? Give your reason and then give 4-6 sentences of information about this artwork.
  2. Discuss the process you used in obtaining information (i.e. search engines, museum sites, library databases, etc.).
    • You need to provide a minimum of three sources and one of your sources MUST come from a GCC Library database: https://campusguides.glendale.edu/az.php (Links to an external site.) but please do not use ArtSTOR. It is an image database, not an article database.
    • Please list the websites you visited and talk about how useful they were.
    • You may NOT use any encyclopedic sources like Wikipedia or Brittanica.
    • You may NOT use your textbook as a source other than looking up where the artwork is located now.
  3. Was it easy to find information about this topic on the internet? If not, how did that hinder your process?
  4. Do you think the internet is a helpful tool for researching art? Why or why not
  1. Requirements:
    • All four answers should total 750-1000 words (about 200-250 words per answer, but some answers may be longer than others – that’s fine).
    • This is more of an exercise in researching than giving me every detail about the artwork you choose. Please keep that information to the length of 4-6 sentences.
    • You will absolutely need to cite your sources. Any time you get information from a particular website, be sure to copy and paste the web address into your answer, so I know where you got the information.
    • Grammar and formatting will be graded (100 points total), so be sure to proofread your papers for mistakes before handing them in.
    • You will type (or copy and paste from a word processing document like Microsoft Word, Pages, or Google Docs) your answers into the text box provided here
    • List of Artworks
      • you may choose (they are all in your book – the figure number is provided):14-17 Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Peaceful City, detail from the Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country, east wall of the Sala della Pace in the Palazzo Publico, Siena, Italy, 1338-1339.20-2 Claus Sluter, Well of Moses, Chartreuse de Champmol, Dijon, France, 1396-1406.20-17 Hans Memling, Virgin with Saints and Angels, center panel of the Saint John Altarpiece, Hospitaal Sin Jan, Bruges, Belgium, 1479.21-21 Fra Angelico, Annunciation, San Marco, Florence, Italy, ca. 1438-1447.21-43 Piero della Francesca, Flagellation, ca. 1455-1465.22-21 Donato D’Angelo Bramante, Tempietto, San Pietro in Montorio, Rome, Italy, begun 1502.22-39 Jacopo da Pontormo, Entombment of Christ, Capponi chapel, Santa Felicità, Florence, Italy, 1525-1528.23-1 Quinten Massys, Money-Changer and His Wife, 1514.23-9 Hans Baldung Grien, Witches’ Sabbath, 1510.24-22 Pietro da Cortona, Triumph of the Barberini, ceiling of the Gran Salone, Palazzo Barberini, Rome, Italy, 1633-1639.24-33 Claudio de Arciniega and others, Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary, Mexico City, Mexico, 1573-1817.25-14 Rembrandt van Rijn, Return of the Prodigal Son, ca. 1665.25-37 Inigo Jones, Banqueting House, Whitehall, London, England, 1619-1622.26-14 Jean-Baptiste Greuze, Village Bride, 1761.26-22 Antonio Canaletto, Riva degli Schiavoni, Venice, ca. 1735-1740.27-4 Antonio Canova, Pauline Borghese as Venus Victorious, from the Villa Borghese, Rome, Italy, 1808.27-38 John Singer Sargent, The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit, 1882.28-27 Odilon Redon, The Cyclops, 1898.29-10 Egon Schiele, Nude Self-Portrait, Grimacing, 1910.30-1 Aaron Douglas, From Slavery through Reconstruction, from Aspects of Negro Life, ca. 1934.

      Internet Assignment Rubric

      Internet Assignment Rubric
      Criteria Ratings Pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddresses all four questions in the prompt
      2) Discuss the process you used in obtaining information (i.e. search engines, museum sites, etc.).

      3) Was it easy to find information about this topic on the internet? If not, how did that hinder your process?

      4) Do you think the internet is a helpful tool for researching art? Why or why not?

      40 to >20.0 ptsFull to Partial CreditFully addresses the questions. 20 to >0.0 ptsPartial CreditAddresses the questions either unevenly or not fully. 0 ptsNo CreditThe prompts were ignored and/or the paper was done incorrectly including a topic not discussed in class.
      40 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProofreading
      10 ptsFull CreditNo significant errors found in the paper. 5 ptsPartial CreditSome errors in the paper. 0 ptsNo CreditMultiple errors, no real proofreading done.
      10 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
      10 ptsFull Credit 0 ptsNo Credit
      10 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources cited properly
      20 ptsFull CreditFully cited all sources in the body of the paper with in-text citations or footnotes and included a works cited page. 10 ptsPartial CreditEither forgot to cite sources in the body of the paper with in-text citations or footnotes or forgot to include a works cited page. 0 ptsNo CreditSources not cited at all.
      20 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAttended a Library Workshop
      20 ptsFull Credit 0 ptsNo Credit
      20 pts
      Total Points: 100