Writing Homework Help

MU Racial Formation in The United States and Ethnicity Essay


I’m trying to learn for my Social Science class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


Applicable concepts to use in your analysis:

Racialization, racism, whiteness, privilege, power, (in)justice, racial formation, citizenship, racial ideology, social class, social stratification

Study these material:

Examining the materials for the racialization policies implemented by the U.S. government, identify and explain the cumulative and differential outcomes for whites and minorities in the structuring the U.S. along the following: 

  • political power
  • citizenship
  • race/ethnic relations
  • socio-economic status (social class)

Given the Timeline of the history of white privilege and domination, explain why current claim of colorblindness (“I don’t see race” by some whites) is a good ideology but  a bad sociology?