Writing Homework Help

Impacts of Covid-19 on The Latino Public Health Management Paper


Research Paper: Please consult the list of SLOs on the course syllabus to draw your research topics. Research Paper Topics/Titles should relate to the course SLOs.

Term Paper Outline

I. Introduction to the Problem

What is the “Title” of your Research Paper?

What is the Public Health Management (PHM) Problem(s) in the topic/title you want to write about?

II. Review of Pertinent Literature

What did the literature or the information you read say about the problem you are writing about?

a) What PHM policies did the literature say was applied to solve the problem(s) or PHM policies suggested that should be applied to solve the problem

III. Conclusion and Recommendations

IV. Citation inside the Paper ( use APA or Turabian—Footnotes only)

V. Reference/Bibliography Page

VI. Cover Page