Writing Homework Help

Management of The Impact of Influencers on Brands Essay


For your final promotion assignment choose one of two options:

1. Choose an influencer that you especially like and trace the number of products and services connected to this influencer. For example, Oprah is very active in her promotion of books, Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz also promote books, but also promote other wellness type products. Talk radio hosts are frequent influencers for many products that are advertised on their programs. Do these products seem to be a good fit with the image, expertise and reputation of the influencer? Can you find any data on the impact the influencer has had on the sales of products associated with him or her?


2. Evaluate a blog, Facebook page, or YouTube channel for the following: How are the messages shaped? Is there an event or experience mentioned that is designed to create buzz? Is there a partnership with a third party to help feed the momentum? Does the social media site you’ve chosen rely on an influencer, activity or product to attract viewers?