Writing Homework Help

New York University Contemporary Orthodontics Questions


I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

Growth Problems Adolescence; Space Problems Reading Guide

Ch 11 (excerpts), Contemporary Orthodontics, 6th Ed, 2018

Define space available. 

Describe how to measure space available.

Define space required. 

Describe how to measure space required in the permanent dentition.

Describe how to measure space required in the mixed dentition.

Ensure that you understand the assumptions made about space analysis

Ch 12 (excerpts), Contemporary Orthodontics, 6th Ed, 2018

List two major symptoms of severe crowding in the mixed dentition.

Early arch expansion involves increasing space available.  Read the rest of the chapter to complete the following table, summarizing parameters for the possible methods.

Method of increasing space available

How much space can be gained?

How is it done?

What are some risks and limitations?

Maxillary expansion

Mandibular “expansion”

Advancement of incisors

Distalization of molars

Summarize the criteria for serial extraction

Summarize the teeth to be extracted in serial extraction and justify the timing of extraction